The IRS revised its maximum-vehicle-value rule for personal use of an employer-provided vehicle for 2019 for both the cents-per-mile rule and the fleet-average-valuation rule.
The IRS issued proposed regulations on the operation of new Sec. 1446(f), which requires withholding on the transfer of a partnership interest described in Sec. 864(c)(8) (gain or loss of foreign persons from the sale or exchange of certain partnership interests).
The regulations define the term “substantially all,” the definition of which was reserved in the earlier proposed regulations issued in October 2018.
The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that will decide whether states can tax trusts based solely on the fact that a trust beneficiary lives in the state.
The IRS will permit professional sports teams that trade player contracts to recognize zero gain if both parties to the exchange adopt the safe harbor and do not exchange cash.
The AICPA asked Treasury and the IRS to issue additional guidance on Sec. 199A beyond the recently finalized regulations and a proposed revenue procedure in the form of a notice on a safe harbor for rental real estate.
The IRS issued guidance on the tax treatment of state and local refunds now that taxpayers are limited to a $10,000 deduction on their individual tax returns.
Beginning May 13, the IRS will accept employer identification number (EIN) applications only from individual taxpayers who have either a Social Security number or an individual taxpayer identification number as the responsible party on the EIN application.
The IRS issued final regulations under Sec. 6707A, which imposes a penalty on taxpayers who fail to disclose a reportable transaction on their tax returns.
The IRS announced that it is lowering from 85% to 80% the amount taxpayers are required to have paid in order to escape an underpayment of estimated income tax penalty for 2018.