President’s budget contains many tax proposals

The proposed $6 trillion fiscal year 2022 budget unveiled by the Biden Administration includes a host of tax items, including proposals to raise the corporate tax rate, raise the top tax rate for high-income individuals, limit like-kind exchanges, and make permanent recent temporary changes to various tax credits.

Sorting out tax exempts’ UBTI painlessly

To help exempt organizations “silo,” or separately compute, their unrelated business or trade income, three experts who will be giving a presentation on the topic at the upcoming Not-for-Profit Industry Conference offer their thoughts.

Taxpayers deserve pandemic penalty relief, AICPA says

In a letter to the IRS and Treasury, the AICPA recommended, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, that the IRS implement fair, reasonable and practical penalty relief measures, including targeted relief from both the underpayment-of-estimated-tax penalty and the late-payment penalty for the 2020 tax year.