W E L C O M E  T O  T H E  E V O L U T I O N


My City Connected

Welcome to the EVOLUTION of Social Media and Social Media Marketing


W H A T  I S  M Y  C I T Y  C O N N E C T E D?

“My City Connected Incorporated is a non-partisan, for-profit corporation on a mission to discover, innovate, and develop modern and future technologies for the specific purpose of creating opportunities that assist people in establishing better lives for themselves and others, at the lowest cost possible.”

Alasandro Birdine Founder/CEO – My City Connected Inc.

W H A T  W E  B E L I E V E

“At My City Connected, we believe technology should be used for the betterment of all humankind and that true technological progress will result in the widespread availability of economic and educational opportunities for ALL; regardless of social or economic status. We believe we have a responsibility to serve humanity to the best of our ability and that means dedicating our efforts to finding ways to support the needs of our platform users, provide them with opportunities, and encourage their success.”

Alasandro Birdine Founder/CEO – My City Connected Inc.

W H A T  I S  T H E  M Y  C I T Y  C O N N E C T E D  P R O J E C T?

“The My City Connected Project is an innovative and groundbreaking social network that provides economic opportunities, revolutionizes digital marketing and communications, and opens a whole new world of possibilities for its users. By fostering a sense of community, communication, cooperation, and collaboration, this incredible platform encourages individuals to create, build, share and participate in an ever-expanding network where opportunities are abundant. Whether you are a business owner looking to expand your reach, a creative looking for new opportunities, a parent looking to save money, an aspiring entrepreneur wanting to start a new business, or simply someone who wants a safe and private network to communicate with family and friends, the My City Connected social networking platform is the perfect destination for you.”

W H A T  M A K E S  M Y  C I T Y  C O N N E C T E D  D I F F E R E N T ?








W H A T  I S  A  10 0 %  U S E R  C O N T R O L L E D  N E W S  F E E D ?

It is REALLY YOUR news feed. Back in the days of Myspace… when social networking became a thing, no one knew where this new technology was going to take us. No one anticipated that they would be positioning themselves to be bombarded with advertising, sponsored posts, scams, fake news, and pretenders. No one had any idea we would be watched, tracked, and monitored like experimental mice; and the history of our activities and personal information would be sold to the highest bidder. It has been more than 20 years now. Long gone are the days where social networking meant being able to peacefully communicate with family, friends, and associates. Share pictures, documents, and memories without someone or something watching your every move. On the My City Connected social networking platform we are giving control back to the user.

The news feed of the MCC user contains only the items that the user has selected. THE USER ONLY SEES posts, links, photos, comments, stickers, videos, and more… from friends, associates,

businesses, groups, and clubs THE USER HAS CHOSEN TO FOLLOW. If the user has no friends and is not following any group, club or store, their feed will be empty.

In addition to the above, the user has the ability to sort their feed in a variety of ways. You can set your feed to view only photos, videos, or a specific person, group, or store. The user can also create custom feeds for their favorite topic, person, group, club, business, etc.

W H A T  I S  A  10 0 %  R E A C H  T O  F A N S  &  F O L L O W E R S ?


My City Connected members enjoy 100% reach with every post. This means it doesn’t matter if you have 10 friends/fans/followers or 10,000, when you make a post, that post is sent into the feed of everyone you are connected to. This feature alone is a major game changer in the world of social media and will have some significant benefits for the platform users.

*Business owners… imagine being able to reach 100% of your fan base with every post, announcement, and/or advertisement.

*Nonprofit organizations… imagine what this could do for your fundraising abilities?

*No more relying on expensive advertising and “Boosting” your post on other networks.

Currently there are no other major networks that provide a 100% reach to fans and followers. At My City Connected we understand clearly the impact this feature will have on your social networking experience. When this feature is used properly it can have a MAJOR impact on business relationships with clients and customers. It is also one of the reasons we can guarantee 100% return on your ad spend when you use our innovative advertising system.


Although the member’s news feed is free of any platform advertising, advertising can be found on what we call the platform “public spaces”. The Marketplace, Community Classifieds, Daily Deals, Forums, and other public gathering areas of the site will contain advertising in the sidebars and main feeds.

Advertisements cannot be purchased on the My City Connected social networking platform. At least, not for cash. For one to post an advertisement in one of the public spaces, they must first obtain MCC Credits. It is with these credits the business owner, nonprofit marketing team, and others will use to purchase ad space. These virtual credits are earned by Free and Verified members for the activities they perform on the platform. However, Business owners do not earn credits for their site activities, and they must get these credits from regular site visitors. Business owners can get credits from site members by offering exclusive deals and discounts that require MCC Credits in order to obtain the deal.

EXAMPLE: Let’s say a restaurant is having a slow day, but they have 3000 followers on My City Connected. The restaurant owner’s cost for a 32 oz drink is 0.35 cents. He sells it for $2.99. So, the restaurant owner posts on his My City Connected store page a coupon/voucher for sale for 300 credits. Platform user can then purchase this voucher with the credits they have earned on the site. On their next visit or what ever the terms are, the user will receive a free soft drink with their next purchase at the restaurant. With this marketing move the restaurant owner not only earned credits but was also able to get a customer to come in at a marketing cost of 0.35 cents. The restaurant owner then uses the credits they received for the vouchers to purchase advertisements to help bring in

How is that even possible?

A N  O N L I N E  S T O R E  F R E E  F O R  A N  E N T I R E  Y E A R !

MCC PAYMENTS: 2.8% + .25¢ per transaction. The lowest fees anywhere online.


Once you become a “Verified” member at a cost of $1 per month, a whole new world of opportunity becomes available to you. One of these opportunities is the ability to open an online store in the My City Connected Marketplace.

The MCC Marketplace is a geolocation based online mall which hosts business pages that are completely functional ecommerce stores. NOTE: My City Connected DOES NOT take a commission on your sales. Each store is equipped with its own shopping cart system and direct payment to the seller connections for Stripe, PayPal, and the platform payment system (MCC Payments) which happens to have the lowest transaction fees available anywhere online.

During this year you’ll have the opportunity to open a store, build your fan base, enjoy 100% reach with all your advertisements/posts, enjoy 100% returns on your advertising dollars, and build a successful and thriving business without the financial burdens you would otherwise have on another platform. At the end of the year, you can choose to close your store or continue at a cost based on the number of followers your store has. For 5000 or less the cost will be ($100) per month. After 5000 the cost will be $100 plus 0.01 cent per additional fan billed


On other platforms, advertisements are sent through your news feed based on the advertiser’s targeting preferences and how they line up with your demographic, site visiting history, and expressed interests as determined by algorithms that are constantly tracking your every move.

On the My City Connected platform we believe that you social networking experience should be private and that your news feed is YOUR NEWS FEED. The only post/advertisement you will see coming through your feed are those that originate from a business, nonprofit organization, or some other official entity that YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO FOLLOW.

If you do not want to see any notifications from an entity you chose to follow you can simply unfollow them and that’s it.

NOTE: The ability for the user to control what they see coming through their feed adds another level to marketing a business on the My City Connected platform. This will certainly have an influence on Content Quality. Without the pressure to tailor content to algorithmic preferences, creators might focus more on quality and authenticity, which could elevate the overall user experience and set a new standard for content on social media platforms. Also, because the follower/fan on the My City Connected platform is more than just a passive target, businesses will be forced to consider the number of advertisements they send out and be more open to customer communications and direct relationships than ever before.

M C C  C R E D I T S !

As a member of the My City Connected platform, you’ll earn MCC Credits for almost EVERYTHING you do on the platform. If you are making a post, sharing a post, commenting on a post, liking a post, uploading a video, inviting a friend and more… you’ll earn virtual credits that could have a bigger effect on your life than you might think.

The MCC Marketplace business owners need the credits you earn so that they can use them to purchase advertisements in our public spaces. To get those credits, business owners make offers to exchange your credits for discounts and special offers in their stores.

The MCC Credit, although it is a virtual credit and has no real monetary value in the real world, on the My City Connected platform it does carry value when it comes to discounting products and services offered through our marketplace. We set the value of each MCC Credit at $0.01 per credit. Meaning that 100 credits is equal to one dollar. When a My City Connected store owner makes a credit offer, THEY MUST be equal to or greater than a real dollar discount. EXAMPLE: If a store owner offers a credit discount worth $5, the maximum credits they can request is 500.

E V E R Y  B O D Y  S A V E S  E V E R Y  B O D Y  W I N S


When it comes to privacy, safety and security we know you are going to love what My City Connected is doing to keep you safe, protect your privacy, and ensure you are having the best social networking experience available today. Along with the highest encryption available today for the transferring of sensitive data, our business model helps to enhance our security and ability to keep our users safe from scam artists, fraud, identity theft, and more.

PRIVACY SETTINGS Every privacy setting you need is on a single page, easy to find and in plain language. BROWSE IN PEACE Available to Verified members and above. “Do not display me in searches, browsing members, or the “Online Members” list.”

The My City Connected platform does not store any financial transaction data used in the Marketplace and other areas of the site. All transactions are encrypted and made through the banks and hosting credit card agencies.

MULTIPLE MEMBERSHIP LEVELS In addition to other more confidential security deployments, the platform’s multiple levels of membership provide us more than just a little income, it adds another level of security that benefits all users. FREE membership offers access to the platform but limits the user’s ability to participate in activities that are reserved for Verified members. THIS HELPS TO DETER SCAM ARTISTS AND FRAUDSTERS.

VERIFIED membership comes at a cost of $1 per month. This $1 per month must be collected via subscription and requires a valid credit or debit card. THIS STEP HELPS TO VERIFY THE IDENTITY OF THE USER.

N O  T R A C K I N G  A L G O R Y T H M S

Why are you being tracked across the web? Bottom line… someone wants to sell you something and the common belief amongst marketers worldwide is that the more data you have on someone the better chances you have at making the sale. In the world we live in today, your privacy doesn’t matter when it comes to making a buck.

Not so at My City Connected. Your privacy is everything. It is one of the primary reasons the platform was built in the first place.

“Web Tracking”, unless you are under some serious investigation by a government agency, is only necessary and used for the purpose of collecting personal/public data to either sell or use to make a sale. Although we DO NOT track our member’s activities for the purpose of marketing, we do employ advertising in our public spaces, and we do provide some demographic data to help our Marketplace store owners better find their target audience; that targeting data only includes gender, age, city, and zip code. So, for example, an advertiser can target women, 18-

A H H H H  T H E  F E E L I N G  O F  K N O W I N G  Y O U  A R E  N O T  B E I N G  WATCHED



This membership level is for people who just want to chill and check things out. FREE members can shop, socialize, share, join groups and clubs, and more.

FREE membership is for people who really aren’t into social media but want to keep in touch with family and friends without getting caught up in all the forced advertising and noise.

However, and for security purposes, FREE membership does have some limitation:

Although FREE members can buy things in the Community Classifieds, FREE members cannot sell things there. Although FREE members can shop in The Marketplace, FREE members cannot start, own, or manage a store in the Marketplace. Although FREE members can join and participate in groups, FREE members cannot start, own, or manage a Group.


In Addition: FREE members are limited to 10 friends.

This membership level is for people who want to take advantage of the various opportunities the platform offers by way of economic and educational opportunities. Verified members earn double the credits a free member receives for their activities which can result in thousands of dollars in savings to the user when applied to purchases in the Marketplace. Verified members are limited to 100 friends. NOTE: As a Verified member you can always start a group if you wish to gather and communicate with a larger audience.

In addition, Verified members can:

  • Sell items in the Community Classifieds.
  • Start a Group or Club
  • Open a store in the MCC Marketplace. A fully functional ecommerce store complete with shopping cart and all that is necessary to operate an online business at no additional cost for 1 year. At the end of the year the store owner pays based on the number of followers the store has. 5000 or less = $100 per year with an opportunity to pay $89 at the 6-month mark of the 1-year trial period.


This membership level is for those who have opened a store in the MCC Marketplace. Business members enjoy the following benefits:

100% reach to all fans and followers

***The ability to advertise on public pages to your targeted demographic with a 100% guaranteed return on investment when you use our innovative credit system.

In Addition: Business members have access to and can advertise in the Daily Deals page, make offers for member credits, open groups, forums, and polls, access to customized pages, and more. Business members are limited to 1000 friends on their personal profile pages. Both their store and/or groups are unlimited.

*** This is not joke. We will show you how you can advertise on the platform and receive a 100% return on your marketing dollars EVERY TIME… GUARANTEED!

B Y  I N V I T A T I O N  O N L Y ?

The My City Connected platform is and will always be an invitation only platform. This means that in order to join My City Connected, you must have an “Invite Code”. Invite codes can be obtained from local merchants, nonprofit organizations, and aspiring entrepreneurs that have set up shop on the MCC platform. From time to time, we, (My City Connected Staff) may issue “Invite Codes” along with special promotional material and at special events.

Company Contact

Address: My City Connected Inc. 3948 3rd St. S. #296 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Website: www.mycityconnected.us
Email:  info@mycityconnected.us